Connectionist Example
What is Symbolics?
Symbolic Parallel Multiprocessing Suspended
A White Paper covering programming concepts involved in the DSI Project Parallel
Research in Hawaii
PATMOS Research and Development has been working for years to define and implement the technology, both hardware and software, used in our machines. Current PATMOS products are based on a Connectionist Systems Architecture allowing for multiple redundancy and the lowest amount of latency between Connectionist nodes that current technology allows. Our partners at Indiana University are working on an implementation of a true Symbolic programming language to relieve programmers of resource management concerns. Advances in Symbolics are included in the PATMOS Symbolic Linux® distribution. These technologies converge in a PATMOS Janus machine, creating the world's most advanced supercomputer. This section includes more information about the revolutionary technologies that PATMOS is using to lead the modern computing world into a problem-free Connectionist future.