Why Buy a Perpetua?
Five reasons why a PATMOS Perpetua is the world's most advanced parallel server for businesses.

Global Consignment and Purchasing
Due to the sensitivity of our technology, consignees and international purchasers will need to fill out this form.
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Symbolic Processing in AI
PATMOS™ Teams up with Indiana University to Research High-performance, Symbolic Processing

PATMOS™ Perpetua
The worlds only high-end commercial server that NEVER GOES DOWN.

Connectionist™ Example
Using a four-node Connectionist™ machine to form a virtual hyper-cube

What is Symbolics?
A discussion on symbolics in programming
by Shane Forsythe, PATMOS™


Symbolics Connectionist™
Supercomputer Gateway

© Copyright 2000 PATMOS International Corporation, All Rights Reserved

Perpetua 16

16-node machine


4-node machine

Symbolic Parallel Multiprocessing
Steven D. Johnson's document on the Daisy/DSI Project

Suspended Construction
A White Paper covering programming concepts involved in the DSI Project

Parallel Research in Hawaii
Dr. Eric Jeschke of the University of Hawaii, Hilo Researches Suspended Construction, Parallel Programming Language